More men than one would expect are suffering from ED. Erectile dysfunction refers to the fact that the patient is unable to get an erection; maintain an erection for long enough or a hard enough one. In any case erectile dysfunctions should not be mistaken for decrease of libido. The causes of erectile dysfunctions are mostly physical: they could be related to kidney problems, to liver problems, sometimes they are connected to the diabetes somebody is suffering from, the thickening of the arteries and other conditions that not only weaken and damage one’s body but require different types of medication that are very likely to decrease one’s potency.

On the other hand, in many other cases impotence is caused by psychological factors: a trauma from childhood or early adulthood, the stress involved by caring for someone elderly or ill in the family, trouble at work, fatigue caused by overworking and too little sleep and so on and so forth. On top of that, many people smoke, drink and eat foods that are not healthy at all. Obesity is one of the top physical factors that can determine the occurrence of impotence.

So what is there to be done? In some cases the impotence is just something temporary. In others it becomes more permanent. Regardless of the fact that it occurs frequently or occasionally, to Buy Viagra could be the answer to the problem. This pill has been used for more than a decade to help cause and maintain erection. Beware of the fact that taking Viagra is not compatible with all health conditions that may have determined impotence in the first place and that it could be inadvisable to mix it with some other types of medication, especially those containing Nitrates. But if the doctor prescribes it to you, rest assured you will have good reasons to regain your self esteem and sense of pride in no time.

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